Basic strategy in DOTE involves getting down some Industry and Food generators ASAP at the start of each new floor to start powering your economy. You will receive these resources every time that you open a door to a new room, which fuctions as the beginning of a new random encounter (much like visiting a new beacon in FTL). Rooms that have major module slots (which are not always present) can be used to produce extra Industry, Science, or Food. The first of these two groups is officially called "major modules". These are places where you can put down structures, either resource-generating ones to power your economy or defensive towers to shoot back against invading enemy hordes. Sharing focus with the heroes in DOTE are something known as "modules". Then can be further customized through the equipment of weapons, armor, and accessories, which can be found or bought along the journey. Heroes gain additional stats for each extra level, along with new abilities (both passive and active).

Heroes begin at Level 1, and can increase to a maximum of Level 15 through the use of one of the game's resources. You begin with two starting characters, and can recruit up to two more by finding them along the way. Your goal is to guide them through twelve floors to reach the exit from the labyrinth, with increasingly deadly obstacles on each successive floor. DOTE starts with your characters crash-landing on an alien planet, finding themselves at the bottom of a dungeon full of monsters. Here's an introductory video that I put together showing the basics of the gameplay, and another pairs of links to a longer full game played out on Livestream. While all of this doesn't entirely fit together into a cohesive whole, at the very least it's an intriguing experiment. It's a bizarre mix, and I can't say that I've ever encountered anything quite like DOTE before. DOTE features an unusual mashup of gameplay from several different genres, incorporating aspects of perma-death and procedurally generated levels from roguelike games, hero management similar to League of Legends or DOTA, resource economy management out of a turn-based strategy game, and finally tower defense gameplay as well. This is my short review of Dungeon of the Endless (DOTE), a unique indie game released by Amplitude Studios in October 2014.